Ten top tips for teaching literacy through the performing arts
Using a variety of approaches you might find you give children who struggle with reading and writing a chance to shine in literacy lessons.
- Ages 5-7, 7-9, 9-11
Say it with dance
Some simple ideas to try with your children using movement to strengthen language development.
- Ages 4-5, 5-7
Top Tips for Creative Oracy for KS1
Oracy is a vital skill for children to develop, and it can be fun and engaging to teach! Take a look at these top tips.
- Ages 5-7
Bringing books to life through drama
A book can give us the opportunity to visit places we may never be able to go, to learn about people we may never meet & to have adventures.
- Ages All
Once upon ATOM
Find out how storytelling and science go hand in hand and that creativity is the catalyst not just for Shakepearians but for scientists too.
- Ages All
Awesome oracy
Talk helps build not only language and communication, but self-esteem and collaborative skills.
- Ages 7-9, 9-11
Fresh approaches to popular texts: Handa’s Surprise by Eileene Browne
Discover ways of bringing books to life and exploring the world outside the text, using the performing arts.
- Ages 5-7, 7-9
Resource 5: Net-work…exploring connections
This piece is created from lots of tiny figures fixed onto a fishing net. Net-Work resembles a fishing net.
- Ages 5-7, 7-9, 9-11
Resource 3: Cause and effect…investigating past influences
This piece looks, from a distance, like a powerful tornado. Look closely and you can see it is made of thousands of tiny figures swirling.
- Ages 5-7, 7-9, 9-11