Using iPads in the classroom

Children in a classroom, wearing dark blue shirts, are intently drawing on paper with colored pencils. They are gathered closely around a large table, concentrating on their artwork.

Using iPads in the classroom

Children’s access to technology is growing, and fast. More and more children have ready access to computers, the internet and mobile devices, both at home and on the move. Naturally, a result of this recent change is increasingly high levels of computer and technological literacy. Children as young as 4 or 5 can pinch, drag and swipe their way around tablet computers, and schools are starting to look at how they can harness these skills for use in the classroom.

At Artis, we are always interested in different methods of learning. Creating new experiences for children and helping them access the curriculum in new and exciting ways can actively develop their knowledge, and help understand themselves and the way they interact with the world around them. In a digital age, it is no surprise that new technologies are being used for this purpose, giving a new dimension to learning. My interest in the use of technology in the classroom recently lead to me attend a workshop on ‘Using iPads in Education Settings’ at the Institute of Education. Teachers and education professionals came together to try out some of the latest tablet innovations and seek practical advice on structuring activities and augmenting their teaching through digital modes.

Harnessing technology in the classroom has the potential to be a very powerful medium for learning. Children are given the opportunities and resources to create, evaluate, analyse and apply their understanding in a variety of different contexts. With a plethora of applications available to the teacher, students can lead discussions through interactive presentations, work collaboratively with mind mapping apps or lead their own independent learning all through safe but stimulating environments.

If QR codes, cloud-sharing and augmented reality seem alien to you, then there’s a world of fascinating technology waiting to be discovered.

Charles Bradley (Ribbit)

Using iPads in Education Settings is a half day workshop run by The London Centre for Leadership in Learning at the Institute of Education.