School guidelines for January 2021

A young girl in a blue jacket sits on the wooden floor, leaning to one side, with a curious expression. Large windows in the background let in natural light.

School guidelines for January 2021

Updated Tuesday 5th January 2021


Artis Foundation will be operating according to government guidance to deliver creative provision to schools remotely from January 2021.

This document intends to offer Artis partner schools assurance of our measures as an organisation.

Following the government’s updated guidelines, in the first half of the Spring term Artis will be offering remote delivery to all our partner schools which will be reviewed in the February half term. Artis will follow our contingency as set out below:


Contingency Plans

  • If a local area sees a spike in infection rates that is resulting in localised community spread, appropriate authorities will decide which measures to implement to help contain the spread, which may include closure of schools.
  • In the case of school closure, we will provide bespoke remote sessions led by your Artis Specialist, alongside school access to Artis Anywhere.
  • If the school is partially open, we aim to provide “live” sessions if it is safe for the Artis Specialist and encourage children at home to utilise Artis Anywhere.
  • If the Artis Specialist becomes ill with coronavirus, we will endeavour to provide a cover Specialist until the ill Specialist is well and safe to return to work. Please note that we cannot guarantee last minute cover, particularly during the current climate, as we are likely to have fewer Specialists available in specific areas.


Artis Anywhere
With thanks to financial support from the Arts Council Emergency Respond Fund and the London Community Response Fund, Artis is able to offer all of our partner schools access to Artis Anywhere, a new remote provision portal. Artis Anywhere went live in September 2020 and provide pre-recorded creative learning sessions for year groups Reception to Year 6. The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

This will be reviewed during the February half-term, and our intention will be to continue in-person creative delivery when schools reopen, as in the Autumn term.