PE & Sport Premium

A person with short spiked hair in a navy blue shirt smiles in an outdoor setting with a blurred green and brown background.

PE & Sport Premium

By Wendy Steatham (Whirl)

Supporting the delivery of PE through movement and dance based active learning, in primary schools, is increasingly being recognised as a powerful way to develop children’s physical literacy while simultaneously improving their wellbeing, confidence, self-esteem and creativity. The PE and Sport Premium can help improve the provision of PE and dance in schools through a movement/dance based curriculum. Head Teachers have been reaping the benefits, reporting children developing not only physically, but also socially, culturally, artistically and academically as a result.


Dance and movement are an important part of the PE Curriculum. By KS2 children should be able to ‘perform dances using a range of movement patterns’. Artis Specialists (who are highly trained dance artists as well as educators) help children understand Rudolf Laban’s fundamental building blocks of dance (actions, dynamics, space and relationship), enabling them to effectively explore, create, perform and appreciate the art form. Dance is also a tool that supports the wider physical education curriculum. The new curriculum summarises that within PE, pupils should have opportunities to ‘extend their agility, balance and co-ordination, individually and with others’. Dance naturally does this, and by combining physical literacy with creativity, it advances a whole range of skills, including team-working and communication, all of which the PE and Sport Premium is aiming to target.


The PE and Sport Premium is a government initiative that provides money for schools to improve the quality of the physical education they offer in order to encourage all children to become more healthy and active. The funding has to be used to develop and add to existing PE provision, making sustainable improvements that will benefit the wider school community. One of the government’s recommendations is that the money be used to hire in external professionals who work with teachers to enhance the range of physical activities being offered. By engaging Artis, you use skilled external expertise effectively, developing a physical activity which has the ability to engage and inspire every pupil.


Dance is a fantastic tool for engaging and inspiring even the least active children and while some teachers may lack the confidence to deliver effective dance sessions, Artis provides highly trained specialists who help make PE a magical, fun and cross-curricular part of the timetable.


As an Artis Specialist using movement myself, I love to see teachers’ reactions when they observe shy or unmotivated learners using movement and music to express their ideas – often visibly moved by the transformation and potential for learning. Equally, I love to see the transformation of teachers as they take on board the range of simple creative tools that can be a rich catalyst for exploration and expression. They realise that teaching through movement is joyful, not daunting, and frequently teachers tell me that they have even started using movement ideas in the classroom to optimise daily learning and class dynamics.


So why choose Artis? Quite simply, Artis provides high quality physical learning experiences that enhances the PE curriculum, engages even the least active children and inspires creativity in pupils and teachers alike. Delivering sessions that link to a range of curriculum topics, Artis Specialists not only tick the Sport Premium boxes, but also closely support classroom learning, helping to boost academic results and make teaching the curriculum richer and more holistic. Artis sessions join together the mind, heart and body. Class teachers are given a wonderful opportunity to develop their own cross-curricular skills and to be inspired by fresh, creative artists.


Practically, Artis can provide weekly movement-based physical education sessions throughout the school year with an Artis Specialist matched to the individual needs of your school. Our holistic approach also entails the use of music and drama alongside movement. Weekly provision can be extended to after-school clubs and workshops as well as specific CPD projects to upskill teachers and support their delivery. Annual reports for children can be provided, as well as individual lesson plans, all of which can be used to evidence the Premium spend. Ofsted have praised the work of Artis and have rated outcomes for children working with Artis Specialists as excellent.