Meet our Artis Team: Cuckoo

Meet our Artis Team: Cuckoo

Welcome to our Q&A series, where we introduce you to the amazing individuals behind Artis. Today, we are excited to feature Carys, Partnerships and Impact Manager at Artis.


Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got started in the arts?

I’ve always had a passion for the arts because my dad was a visual artist and art teacher. My parents met working for Manchester Education Authority on an Arts programme so it was in my DNA. I was exposed to a variety of artistic experiences from a young age. From learning to play the clarinet to visiting art exhibitions and performing in local youth theatre, I had the opportunity to explore and express my creativity in many forms. This early appreciation for the arts inspired me to pursue a degree in History of Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art and later an MA in Education in Arts and Cultural Settings at King’s College London.


What initially drew you to Artis, and how did you become a part of this organisation?

I was drawn to Artis because of its mission to make the arts accessible to every child. I believe school is the perfect environment to provide children with the creative experiences they might not have otherwise. Joining Artis felt like the perfect opportunity to combine my passion for the arts with my desire to make a difference in education. As Partnerships Manager, I am able to work towards ensuring that more children can build confidence, have magical learning experiences, and engage with the curriculum in a creative way.


What does a normal workday look like for you?

A normal workday for me always starts with a coffee and involves a lot of communication and coordination. I spend a significant amount of time building and maintaining relationships with partner schools, funders, supporters, and cultural organisations. My day might include meetings, planning sessions, and strategising how we can expand our reach and impact. I also work closely with our team to ensure that our programmes are effectively delivered and meeting the needs of the schools and children we serve.


What do you love most about your job at Artis?

What I love most about my job is seeing the impact of our work on children’s lives. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that we are providing opportunities for children to express themselves creatively, build confidence, and experience the joy of the arts. Knowing that our efforts are helping to shape a more inclusive and imaginative future for young minds is what keeps me motivated every day.


Looking towards the future, what are you looking forward to?

Looking towards the future, I am excited about expanding our network of partnerships and reaching even more children with our programmes. I look forward to seeing how the arts will continue to evolve within education and how we can innovate to provide even more impactful and meaningful experiences. I am also eager to explore new collaborations and initiatives that can help us bring the transformative power of the arts to an even wider audience.


Stay tuned for more stories from our Artis team! If you have any questions or want to learn more about our work, feel free to reach out or visit our website.