Chuckle’s Artis story

Chuckle’s Artis story

Amy (Chuckle) has been an Artis Specialist for over 4 years and works in one of our partner schools in Manchester.  We asked Amy about her time with Artis and her life as a performing artist.


How did you begin your career as a performing artist?

I started dancing when I was 7 at a local dance club, then naturally, aged 11, I progressed to a Saturday singing and dancing club. The singing teacher there told me that I had a great voice and should pursue singing. Four years later I had a singing teacher who taught me classical singing, and a few years later, I started a BMus in Opera Studies at the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM). And now, aged 27, I have a varied freelance career working as both an opera, jazz and pop singer – as well as working for Artis.


How did you find out about Artis and what was your experience starting out through recruitment and training?

I heard about Artis through my friend who worked for them, and also through the principal of RNCM. I remember speaking to both of them about what to do once graduated from RNCM and how it’s scary just relying on gig/singing income and they both suggested Artis to me! I was so happy when I first looked at their website and I knew it was for me and convinced they would take me on… which they did – lucky for me.


It is an organisation who has their eyes open – who realis the importance of communication and confidence (skills which I was lucky enough to develop from a young age). Who realise how we should be nurturing young people to express themselves creatively and create an atmosphere – like the arts – with no wrongs or rights. Artis is also an organisation who value their employees’ creativity, artistry and talent – not just the letters on your CV. Everyone who works for them, the bosses and the schools which enlist Artis all seem like-minded – and like me!


The recruitment and training is exciting. It’s like a fast track PGCE. They assume you have talent, communication skills and can inspire young people – they just help you to put that into a classroom situation… also how to deal with behaviour management on the way.  We also receive training from so many different people across the arts education field. Everybody is different and teaches you new things in unique ways – but everyone inspires you fully!


What is the most helpful way Artis has helped you in your career?

Artis has helped me for a number of reasons. It has helped me to reflect more. Not just when teaching, but also for meetings with industry experts and for singing gigs. The importance of lesson planning, or planning the structure of a meeting. The importance of reflecting on it afterwards and thinking about how you could improve your delivery, your actions or your performance.


Working for Artis, I have met so many like-minded artists. From dancers to instrumentalists and from actors to composers. It’s absolutely brilliant for networking and I have collaborated with other Specialists musically.


As a pop artist, it’s important to stay in touch with the current music scene and market. Working with primary children and creating dances, exposing them to different genres and writing songs with them has kept me connected to what the next generation of music listeners want, understand and like.


What do you think have been the most important /pivotal events or moments which established you as a successful Artis Specialist?

Sometimes there will be difficult days, but those experiences make you think outside the box and look for new answers and strategies. Those are also the days which make you stronger, smarter and a more inspirational teacher.


Do you have any particular ambitions for the future?

Yes, lots! I would like my band KAZE to be loved and appreciated around the world. I want to play at Glastonbury, tour globally, have a no.1 hit (or several) and create music which still has people singing along in 30 years. And I want to go down in history as one of the greatest female singers/performers/communicators of my generation. (Talk about aiming high!)


I don’t want to leave education behind me though. I want to continue working with children – from all over the country and the world eventually. I would also love to train teachers. If I do become a famous pop star, I will of course speak out politically too.


I will try and lobby the government and force them to make changes to the curriculum and fight for the importance of the arts, and sport within education. The skills you gain from these subjects far outweigh the skills of learning some other subject’s syllabus off by heart for an exam only to forget it all when you turn 16 (if you ask me)!


You can find out more and listen to Amy’s band KAZE here.